Regardless of whether you're hoping to make meeting rooms or are basically searching for a method for separating a current space without the restrictions of a strong divider, we can assist you with picking the right arrangement in light of your requirements and financial plan.
From single coated segments to two fold coated, fire-evaluated, outlined and frameless, we'll be glad to examine which arrangements are the most appropriate to your task.
Our outlined glass parts are the ideal decision for little spending plan office repairs. Like our other glass allotments frameworks, our outlined frameworks help to establish a more open office climate while as yet further developing security, lessening commotion and acquiring light. Glass segments don't need to burn through every last cent, and our outlined frameworks are accessible with glass frostings, indications or vinyl illustrations of your decision.
Where looks are the main thing, our frameless glass allotments offer the best arrangement. These slimline arrangements make an alluring mass of glass with your decision of sign or realism and are accessible as single or twofold frosted units for expanded sound-sealing and protection.